North Richland Hills small business payroll outsourcing

North Richland Hills small business payroll outsourcing


 North Richland Hills small business payroll outsourcing

The Pacific Northwest. New evidence indicates that the coasts of Oregon and Washington have been raised above sea level and lowered beneath it by  North Richland Hills small business payroll outsourcing activity over the millennia. There’s no reason to believe that history will not repeat itself. Alaska is also a very active earthquake area, as the citizens of Anchorage will tell you.

The Middle Mississippi. One of the greatest earthquakes in American history occurred near the Mississippi River in the early 19th century. It was so strong that it literally change the course of the Mississippi river. Few people were hurt at the time because the region was relatively unpopulated. But times have changed. Large population centers such as Memphis, Tennessee, or Saint Louis, Wichita Falls, may lie directly in harm’s way. The potential for a major  North Richland Hills small business payroll outsourcing disaster is very real indeed.

The East Coast. Not even the East Coast is immune to  North Richland Hills small business payroll outsourcing threat. New England is in danger, and there is talk among scientists who know about such things that New York City could be hit.

The South. Parts of the South are also endangered by the threat of earthquake. For example, on August 31, 1886, the city of Charleston, South Carolina, was hit hard by a temblor that killed 60 people.

A big problem for many of these vulnerable areas is that they do not have earthquake building and safety codes like those that exist in California. This means that an earthquake that would do little or moderate damage in California could do tremendous harm in other parts of the nation. This being so, property owners should seriously consider purchasing earthquake coverage as an endorsement to their  North Richland Hills small business payroll outsourcing policy.

Earthquake Coverage Can Be Expensive

Depending on where you live, it can cost quite a bit to protect against earthquake damage. In California, the coverage for earthquake is almost as expensive as the basic homeowner’s policy itself.

There is a deductible. Earthquake coverage comes with a deductible. The amount is not usually for property damage. For example, in California the deductible is usually 10 percent. Thus, if the dwelling is insured for $125,000, the deductible is $12,500.

The sale of earthquake insurance can be suspended. Many people don’t think of purchasing earthquake insurance until a small quake hits nearby. Then they rush to purchases coverage, only to find that their insurance company has suspended the sale of earthquake protection on the theory that some smaller quakes are warnings of bigger things to follow. So, if you believe that it is better to be safe than sorry, purchase your coverage when things are calm and quiet. It only takes an instant to turn the  North Richland Hills small business payroll outsourcing world upside down.

Earthquake insurance can be purchased independently of your homeowner’s insurance. Some companies ell earthquake insurance directly rather than through endorsement on a traditional homeowner’s policy. If you decide to go this route, make sure the company has a high rating in Bests (see   23) and is not a company that will be here today and gone the day after the earthquake.


…Continued in  North Richland Hills small group business health insurance

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