Mesquite small group health insurance

Mesquite small group health insurance


Mesquite small group health insurance

Restricted payments for specialty care. Sometimes patients need the special attention provided by intensive care units or other specialty care Mesquite small group health insurance wards. In these settings the patient receives a lot of attention—attention that can mean the difference between life and death. However, this extra-special treatment comes at a very high cost, often double the hospitals normal daily charge. If your hospitalization policy puts a cap on Mesquite small group health insurance payments in need of intensive care.

Limitations on hospitals. Many hospitalization policies now require you to be hospitalized at specifically identified hospitals that have contracted with the health insurance company to provide care at reduced rates. These hospitals are called contract hospitals. If you are admitted to a noncontract hospital (in other than a life-threatening emergency), your benefits are subject to being significantly reduced. Thus, if your doctor and you conclude you need care in a hospital, ask the doctor to admit you into a hospital where you will receive full Mesquite small group health insurance benefits. If you don’t know which hospitals qualify, be sure to contact your plan administrator.

Obviously, there’s far more to receiving complete health insurance protection than is covered under a hospitalization policy. There is a second part of most traditional health insurance, called a surgical/ medical policy. Hospitalization and surgical/medical coverage make up what is called a basic policy.


The surgical/medical (S&M) policy is meant to complete your basic health protection package. Typically S&M policies pay for physician’s services; the nonhospital costs of surgery, including the anesthesiologist; the cost of diagnostics testing; in-home health care, if provided; skilled nursing, if provided; medically necessary ambulance services; the use of wheelchairs, etc.; and services such as physical therapy.

The Mesquite small group health insurance plans usually work something like this.


Most S&M Mesquite small group health insurance policies require you to pay a portion of the total bill, typically 20 percent after the deductible has been met. There will often be a stop-loss provision that limits your yearly total copayment to a defined figure, such $3,500 or $5,000. Thus, if you incurred a $2,000 medical bill on a policy where you had to pay 20 percent, you would be responsible for $400 (assuming you had paid your deductible). However, if you had previously paid all of your yearly copayment obligation, your bill would be paid in full by your insurance company.



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