Lewisville Health Plan


Lewisville Health Plan

Avoid unneeded coverage with Lewisville Health Plan. Many policies can be tailored to fit individual needs. For example, if you own an older car, you may not want to insure it against property damage because the amount you can collect is probably isn’t worth the premium. (The insurance company has the option to pay you the whole value of your car rather than repair it, and an old car may be “worth” only a few hundred dollars.) Likewise, many homeowner’s policies allow for an economy version of protection that does not include theft losses. If you have few possessions of significant value, you may want to look into this source of significant savings.


Lewisville Health Plan


Employee Training


Too often, training is set aside because of other priorities says Lewisville Health Plan.  That’s unfortunate because poorly trained workers make more mistakes, take longer to get up to speed, and are easily discouraged.  Some may seek direction from your less effective workers, absorbing bad habits.  Training your employees at critical points in your operation takes effort and imagination but the payoffs are worthwhile.  Unless you do it yourself, training should be assigned to the most experienced, mature person you have on staff.


Training as Corrective Action


Training can be part of the corrective action process when someone is not meeting standards says Lewisville Health Plan.  Consider it one more option in your efforts to give the employee every opportunity to improve.  With new employees, failure to successfully complete the initial training program may result in termination or, at best, assignment to another available job.


Training and Equal Employment Opportunity


Training, like salary, raises, promotions, transfers, and terminations, is considered a condition of employment by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for Lewisville Health Plan.  Keep good records of who is trained, when, and on what subjects.  Opportunities for training should be unbiased, fair, and nondiscriminatory.  By keeping good records, you can monitor whether or not people in protected classes are receiving equal training opportunities and take corrective action when needed.

…Continued in Lewisville Life Insurance








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