Insurance Agency Dallas TX


Insurance Agency Dallas TX

Food. Hospital food is paid for by insurance, not Insurance Agency Dallas TX.  Oh boy! Now, if only there were a policy clause that guaranteed good nutrition and taste…
Use of the Surgical Suite. If you are in the hospital for surgery, your hospitalization policy will pay for the cost you will be charged by the hospital for the use of the operating room.
Hospitalization for Treatment of Substance Abuse.   If you listen to the advertisements for treatment programs on daytime television, you know that this country has a terrible drug and alcohol abuse problem says Insurance Agency Dallas TX. Listen further to the ads, and you will know what many hospital policies will pay benefits for inpatient (hospitalized) treatment such as afflictions.  Usually, such treatment is restricted to one hospitalization in a years-time and a maximum of 45 days, although the terms in your policy may vary.


Insurance Agency Dallas TX

Resume Red Flags


Red flags are discrepancies that might result in a particular applicant being disqualified for further consideration or warrant further investigation.  Some examples are the following:


Vague employment history – It is not uncommon to receive essay-type resumes summarizing past achievements from a Insurance Agency Dallas TX, with little or no reference to prior employers and length of employment.  The preferred resume is one that contains employment history in chronological order, with clear starting and ending dates (month and year).


Large gaps in employment – Large gaps between jobs may indicate underlying problems, but remember that millions of workers have been laid off in recent years through no fault of their own.  Finding a job is much more difficult than it used to be especially from an Insurance Agency Dallas TX.  Allowance should be made for applicants who take time off for child rearing or caring for elderly parents.  Many workers are going back to school to upgrade their skills so they can get a good job.


Frequent job changes – Many jobs of short duration may indicate problems.


Frequent changes in career path – This could indicate a lack of direction or lack of persistence and goals.  Frequent changes are not uncommon, however, for younger applicants who are still seeking a vocation, or workers who have phased out of a dying industry says Insurance Agency Dallas TX.


Sloppy resumes – Misspelled words, typographical errors, and faded copy indicate a lack of attention to detail and, possibly, the quality of the applicant’s work.


…Continued in Disability Insurance in Texas








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