Individual Health Insurance Dallas TX


Individual Health Insurance Dallas TX

For Individual Health Insurance Dallas TX, you might be able to get around this problem by asking your doctor to accept what the insurance company pays as payment in full or, at least, to accept the insurance company’s determination of a fair fee.  It’s worth a try.  The worst thing that can happen is the doctor will say no.


Individual Health Insurance Dallas TX

Other Sources


State Employment Services


Your state Department of Labor (DOL) office may be a good source of candidates Individual Health Insurance Dallas TX.  Many DOL offices have sophisticated testing services as part of their assessment and placement programs.  Put your fax dollars to work.


Local Colleges and Technical Schools


Schools are sources for entry-level people as well as mature workers who go back to school to upgrade skills or jump-start a second career sys Individual Health Insurance Dallas TX.  Consider recruiting students for work on a part-time basis, or for the summer months.  You may decide to hire them upon graduation.

Religious Organization


Many religious organizations run no-cost referral services for out-of-work members.


Preinterview Screening


Resume Screening


Screening resumes takes time as they come in all styles, lengths, and degrees of readability.  You’ll accomplish more if you can get away from the workplace and find a quiet place in which to concentrate.  Many resumes are professionally written by someone other than the applicant.  These are sales piece4s designed to secure an interview.  Others are homemade and more truly reflective of the candidate.  For jobs requiring minimal skills and education you shouldn’t expect professional resumes.  Applicants may send handwritten cover letters.


Always remember that fraudulent resumes abound for Individual Health Insurance Dallas TX.  Exaggerated or false information is presented, particularly in the areas of education, levels of responsibility, achievement, and experience.  You’ll have opportunities during telephone and personal interviews and background checks, to confirm the accuracy of such information.

…Continued in Life Insurance in Dallas Tx








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