Direct Travel Insurance

Direct Travel Insurance



Direct Travel Insurance

A demonstration of senior management Direct Travel Insurance commitment also translates into added resources for employees. When George Fisher became chairman of Eastman Kodak, one employee commented that Kodak had for years undertaken many quality improvement and efficiency initiatives, but that Fisher really was serious. This employee’s feeling was that while the Direct Travel Insurance remained the same, the passion and dedication behind it were new. He also commented that many other employees were excited and energized by the new leadership dedication.

Challenging work

Boring work is draining; lots of boring work is deadly. Asking Direct Travel Insurance employees to do increasing amounts of boring work is self-defeating. There are numerous ways to make work challenging.

Baxter Healthcare, for example, creates more challenging work by connecting Direct Travel Insurance employees directly with customers. One criterion of employee effectiveness has become the degree to which customers see and use the work done inside Baxter. In one instance, Frank LaFasto, vice president in Human Resources, spends a large portion of his time team building with hospitals who are Baxter customers. His hard work is immediately challenging and has direct customer payback.

Amgen, one of the world’s leading biotech firms, provides another example. Constantly searching for new genes and biotechnology that can be turned into Direct Travel Insurance products, Amgen asks its scientists to excel in all areas: research, application, and product-introduction time. These scientists’ motivation is continually stimulated by extensive technical support, up-to-date laboratories, and extremely challenging work. Scientists at Amgen know that they are working on cutting-edge research that will add value to science as well as to Amgen’s portfolio.


Teams often can turn modest individual efforts into extraordinary successes. Studies of high performing teams provide clear evidence that teams can often leverage average individual talents into superior collective achievements. When faced with high demands, teams often find better ways to solve demands than do individuals working in isolation.

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