Austin Health Care


Austin Health Care

Compare Agents
Choosing the right insurance professional in the Austin Health Care systems to help you make decisions about your insurance is an essential part of any effective insurance-buying strategy. That professional, whether a broker or agent, should be courteous, knowledgeable, and reliable. He or she should also take additional education classes in the field in order to, Stay up-to-date on the continuing changes in the insurance industry, and having a special certificate like a CLU doesn’t hurt (see page 19). In any event, be sure to speak with several agents and compare them just as you do the products they sell.


Austin Health Care


Attendance and Punctuality


Absence and lateness of employees can hurt production, placing additional burdens on other employees.  Employees are expected to be in and ready to work on time says Austin Health Care.  If you expect to be late or absent, notify your supervisor as soon as possible.  If you are absent more than one day, call in daily unless otherwise notified.


Bulletin Boards


Bulletin boards are located within the work areas to communicate information to our staff with Austin Health Care.  They are for company use and management is responsible for the posting of all information.  Items may include job openings, information about company-sponsored events and activities, and legally required notices.



Business Ethics


Companies should be committed to conducting its business according to the highest legal, moral, and ethical standards says Austin Health Care.  An employee of a company is expected to deal honestly and fairly with customers, suppliers, and coworkers.  By maintaining these standards, the good name and reputation of the company earned throughout the community are enhanced. 




We all have obligations to the company and our coworkers regarding our personal conduct with Austin Health Care.  The following behaviors create work disturbances and dangerous or undesirable working conditions and are not permitted:  drinking alcohol – anyone appearing to be under the influence of alcohol will not be allowed to work; abusive behavior including fighting and bad language is not permitted;  The sale, use or possession of illegal drugs or controlled substances are not permitted on company premises.


…Continued in Austin Health Insurance









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