Affordable Health Insurance San Antonio TX


Affordable Health Insurance San Antonio TX

CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter): The CLU is awarded by the American college at Bryn Maw in Pennsylvania. It takes the applicant between two and five years of work and study and the passing of 10 tests in order to receive the designation. The CLU is the premier credential for life insurance agents and sells Affordable Health Insurance San Antonio TX.
ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant): This credentials also awarded by the American College but is geared toward financial planners. Like the CLU, the ChFC applicant must take and pass 10 separate courses.
CFP (Certified Financial Planner): This is a credential given by the College of Financial Planning in Denver and is similar to the ChFC.

Affordable Health Insurance San Antonio TX


Performance Evaluation


Employees fortunate enough to work for more communicative owners have a pretty good idea how well they’re performing long before the scheduled performance review says Affordable Health Insurance San Antonio TX.  They get their cues from frequent interactions with their bosses who praise, encourage, and guide them as work is accomplished.  Constant feedback, age, and guide them as work is accomplished.  Constant feedback, given in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect, improves morale and productivity.  The formal performance review confirms and clarifies what the employee already knows!


The primary reason for formal reviews is to provide feedback on just how well people are doing their jobs.  A scheduled review ensures this is accomplished with Affordable Health Insurance San Antonio TX.  At its best, it enables both owner and worker to further clarify performance results and future expectations.  Written reviews serve other important purposes such as the following:  documentation on which to base promotions, raises, or bonuses; Assessment of training and/or educational opportunities; and documentation to support terminations, layoffs, or demotions if challenged in court.  Conducting performance reviews is not high on an entrepreneur’s to do list.  Procrastination or outright avoidance is common says Affordable Health Insurance San Antonio TX.  Unfortunately, reviews are often given at the last minute, in haste.  Let’s get this over with!  Some reasons for this are the following:

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